Rabu, 30 November 2016

Want Healthy and Weight Down? In Fruit Consumption

Want Healthy and Weight Down? In Fruit Consumption
Maybe you do not like to hear it, but as the years continue to grow, so does your weight will follow. Similarly, the increased risk of a variety of health problems, ranging from weight gain to risk of diabetes, cognitive decline, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers.

Fortunately, micronutrients in some kind of fruit can help reduce these risks, according to a new study published in the British Medical Journal.

A team of researchers based at Harvard track the weight of more than 124,000 people for 24 years.

They found that people who consume more antioxidants flavonoid abundant in fruits, experienced a weight gain at least the last one, even most of them managed to lose weight several kilograms.

Study participants who consumed fruit rich in three types of flavonoids, in particular anthocyanins flavonoids, flavonoid polymers, and flavonols, get the best results.

This group ate fewer calories and burn more energy-the perfect blend for slimming.

"" This shows that a simple change like just add a few handfuls of fruit into the daily menu And, a can have a huge impact on the long-term health, "" said Monica Bertoia, PhD, a researcher in the department of nutrition at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health.

One thing to note: "" We found that increased intake of fruits is closely related to weight reduction, "" Bertoia said.

"" But if you eat the whole fruit. People who increase their intake of fruit by way of making juice, caught gained weight, possibly because the juice contains a lot of sugar. ""

Here are some compelling reasons to add fruits source of flavonoids into your day.

Apple-flavonoid polymers
Polymer flavonoids in apples inhibit the enzyme that breaks down simple sugars. This means your body becomes not store sugar as fat, but clean up and remove it from your system.

Pectin or fiber-laden flavonoids in apples, can reduce levels of fat circulating in your blood. Not all apples are the same, according to research published in Nutrition Journal.

Apples have the highest concentration of flavonoids is Fuji, followed by Red Delicious. Gala is still quite high, but lost to the Golden Delicious apple.

Fuji apple has more than double the flavonoids found in an Empire apples, which is the apple with the lowest number of flavonoids.

Pir-flavonols, flavan-3-ols
Such as apple, pear is a fruit rich in pectin. Also rich in flavonols and flavan-3-ols, flavonoids types to protect you from gaining weight and type 2 diabetes.

In an another study using the same data as that of Bertoia, eat more pears or apples can help weight loss a little more, compared to other fruits.

One reason, perhaps because of fresh pear provides nearly a quarter of your daily fiber needs, which is good for keeping life beneficial intestinal flora.

"" Healthy intestinal bacteria that help the body absorb and digest flavonoids, "" Bertoia said.

Blue-black color of berries comes from a high concentration of flavonoids called anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that help prevent cancer, heart disease, and inflammation.

"" Just a slight increase in anthocyanin which is correlated with weight loss, "" said Bertoia.

Frozen blueberries have the highest concentration of anthocyanins, followed by fresh ones. Meanwhile, dried blueberries have about half the number of frozen or fresh blueberries anthocyanins, according to a study in the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology.

Strawberry-flavanols, anthocyanins
Strawberries also contain antosiani n (although not as much as blueberry) and flavonols. Research shows that only a few ounces of strawberries may reduce inflammation and increase in blood sugar levels triggered by carbohydrate-heavy food.

A study in the British Journal of Nutrition showed that eating strawberries before eating sweets will make the body more difficult to absorb sugar, preventing you from experiencing an overload of calories.

And in a recent study, researchers were able to reverse the risk of type 2 diabetes in mice by feeding them strawberries.

bean green coffee manfaat

Kamis, 24 November 2016

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan Secara Alami Dalam Waktu 1 Minggu

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan Secara Alami Dalam Waktu 1 Minggu

10 Pertanyaan Paling Sering Diajukan Tentang Nutrisystem Diet

The Nutrisystem rencana diet adalah diet pengganti rumah makan populer yang mencakup segala sesuatu dari pizza untuk burger, cokelat, mac dan keju dan banyak lagi.

Anda mendapatkan sarapan, makan siang, makan malam dan hidangan penutup setiap hari - ditambah sayuran dan buah yang dapat Anda beli sendiri.

Masih memiliki pertanyaan tentang diet Nutrisystem? Artikel ini akan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang paling sering diajukan orang tentang diet populer ini.

# 1 Bagaimana cara mendapatkan Dimulai dengan Diet?

Ini sangat mudah. Setelah Anda memesan, Anda akan menerima 28 hari senilai diformulasikan khusus, nutrisi yang diperkaya sarapan, makan siang, makan malam, dan makanan penutup.

Setiap makan adalah kode warna dan Anda mendapatkan petunjuk tentang cara untuk mengikuti diet dan apa yang ditambahkan sayuran dan buah-buahan untuk menambahkan ke dalam rencana makan Anda.

Anda makan 6 kali sehari setiap 2 - 3 jam sehingga Anda tidak akan pernah mendapatkan lahap lapar karena Anda selalu makan.

# 2 Apa Jenis Makanan Apakah Ada Untuk Pilih?

Anda dapat memilih dari lebih dari 150 pilihan makanan yang berbeda termasuk pizza, burger, mac dan keju, bar, getar, sandwich, wafel, muffin, sereal, membungkus dan lebih.

Ditambah ada beberapa memperlakukan Pilihan nikmat seperti pisang chocolate chip cake, kue wortel, boneka pai apel dan banyak lagi.

Anda dapat memilih untuk memesan makanan pra-dipilih atau Anda dapat menyesuaikan rencana Anda untuk memilih makanan yang Anda sukai.

# 3 Apa Jenis Berat Apakah saya Menurunkan?

Kebanyakan orang kehilangan 1-2 pound per minggu pada diet ini.

Ditambah dengan Lima Program Cepat baru (termasuk dengan pesanan Anda), Anda dapat mempercepat diet Anda dan kehilangan sekitar 5 pon minggu pertama Anda!

# 4 Apa Jenis Rencana Apakah Ada?

Rencana Dasar adalah di bawah $ 10 per hari dan makanan yang dipilih untuk Anda berdasarkan favorit pelanggan. Anda mendapatkan dukungan online tapi tidak ada pilihan konseling telepon.

Rencana Core di bawah $ 11 per hari dan Anda dapat menyesuaikan rencana diri dengan makanan pilihan Anda. Anda mendapatkan kedua konseling telepon dan toolswith secara online pilihan ini.

Pilih Rencana adalah di bawah $ 12 per hari dan memberikan Anda memperluas pilihan menu, termasuk lebih gourmet segar / makanan beku. Anda mendapatkan konseling telepon dan alat-alat online.

# 5 Apakah Meals Nutrisystem Gluten-Free?

Sementara beberapa makanan menggunakan bahan-bahan bebas gluten, diet ini tidak selalu benar gluten free dan tidak direkomendasikan untuk orang-orang dengan masalah gluten serius.

# 6 Apakah Alkohol Diizinkan?

Karena kandungan kalori yang tinggi, alkohol tidak dianjurkan pada diet.Sorry ini!

# 7 Apa yang Kulakukan Ketika saya sudah hilang Berat?

Nutrisystem memiliki kedua Transisi dan Pemeliharaan berencana setelah Anda mencapai ukuran target Anda untuk membantu Anda transisi ke setiap hari makanan tanpa menempatkan pound kembali.

# 8 Apakah Ada suatu Komponen Latihan Untuk Diet ini?

Nutrisystem mendorong orang untuk mendapatkan setidaknya 150 menit latihan cukup intens setiap minggu. Untuk membantu Anda melakukan hal ini, mereka menciptakan program My Daily 3

My Daily 3 bertujuan untuk membantu Anda mendapatkan 30 menit latihan setiap hari, apakah semua pada satu waktu atau tersebar di sepanjang hari (10 atau 15 menit pada satu waktu).

# 9 Dapatkah saya minum Diet Pop atau Coffee?

Ya, bebas kalori atau sangat rendah kalori minuman seperti kopi, teh, dan soda diet dapat digunakan sebagai tambahan terbatas.

# 10 Apakah saya Perlu Untuk Dinginkan Makanan?

Kecuali untuk makanan beku di Pilih rencana, Nutrisystem makanan tidak membutuhkan pendinginan. Mereka mirip dengan makanan yang sudah di lemari dapur Anda seperti cabai, sup dan pasta mangkuk.

Jadi mereka adalah 10 pertanyaan yang paling sering diajukan tentang diet Nutrisystem. Anda memiliki beberapa pilihan besar ketika datang untuk memilih program diet. Luangkan waktu Anda dan menemukan satu yang sesuai gaya hidup Anda, anggaran dan tujuan!

Senin, 07 November 2016

This is the Basic Rules Trim Weight - Kompas.co

This is the Basic Rules Trim Weight - Kompas.co
 Many diets are offered for weight loss. Each emphasizes the advantages and superiority. No bids within just 2 weeks diet to lose weight 5 kg, no diet without restricting food intake, and sebagainya.Saya never entered into Kinokuniya bookstore at the mall Takashimaya, Orchard, Singapore. Rows of books on many diets on display there. In bookstores Chapter, Ottawa bookcase on diet are also hits, as well as in several bookstores in the United States. Not only that, most of the books on display was also claimed to be a bestseller. And, most of the books published in the United Amerka it, the author also from there. However, surprisingly it turns out they are oversized, potbelly become endemic in sana.Memang, this fact. Most of the recommended diet fail to lose weight. In fact, no such thing as a phenomenon known as Yo-Yo dieting, your weight initially fell rapidly, then not how long it will go up again exceed the weight semula.Nah, "why most diets fail to lose weight for someone?" There are many reasons, but this article does not discuss it, but little offensive principles, basic rules in weight loss. The basic rule is: Calories. The balance of calories in (from food) and calories out (which is used by the body) will determine whether or not the weight down someone. The weight will drop when calories are used exceeds the incoming calories, or calories we burn more of the calories that the body of food consumed. Suppose your food intake daily average of 2,000 calories per day, then you reduce the average 100-150 calories, for example by simply throwing a habit of not drinking bottled tea lunch time, then in a month can decrease your calorie intake 3000-4500 calories , When all of this is fat, then your weight will go down 300-500 grams. In one year could go down 3-5 kg. Converse is also true, if you burn fewer calories than required, although only 100-150 calories per day, in one year your weight will go up 3-5 kg. So, your weight going up or down everything depends on the balance of calories hotel.The food is healthy or unhealthy. The food was obviously not the same. There are foods that contain nutrients that are good, healthy or otherwise. 500 calories to 500 calories of white rice and brown rice just is not the same influence on a person's body. Because the food was not only a source enrji, but also for your life, the cells that form, nourish the body, even the thoughts, feelings and emotions, then choosing healthy foods, which contain nutrients that complete an important consideration in reducing weight badanOlahraga , Sport is an important part of the diet. Whatever weight loss program that you live, you still do sport. Sports is not only beneficial to increase the burning of more energy, thus helping you lose weight, but also lower the risk for certain diseases. Sports improve your blood lipid levels, increase muscle mass. And, even if your weight does not go down, exercise is still beneficial to health. By walking, jogging 30 minutes every day routine, which spends about 150-200 calories, then within a month you can burn 3000-4500 calories. And when the intake of food consumed remains as usual, with regular exercise, weight loss will also be reduced to 300 gr-500 gr per month. In one year you will lose weight 3-5 kg.Bukan short term, but long term. Many weight loss programs that promise short-term results, two weeks down 5 kilos for example. According to this study is not even good. Most of the weight loss like this is only due to the influence of fluid loss, not fat loss. Many studies show that weight loss like this do not last long, generally will rise again, it may even be more severe. So, no need of weight loss like that. Gradual weight loss, though only 1-2 kg per month even more baikNah, by knowing some basic principles of weight loss is, hopefully the weight loss program you have and live decides to run properly and your weight goal is reached. Pekanbaru, 3-02-2014
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