Beautiful garden at Corner House
- You still have open land that is less sunlight? Do not worry difficult to cultivate plants. You can still create a park, just pay attention to the choice of plants that sesuai.Untuk small area of the park, such as only 5 m2. The land is tucked in between the walls of buildings are quite high in your home. As a result, the sunlight is quite difficult to get into places like ini.Ya, although generally less fertile plants, but the park still look dazzling. The park is made with the semiarid tropical garden concept. Types of plants deliberately chosen to tumbh in the shade and chives mini dipuluh as a cover crop mini tanah.Kucai surface like grass to cover soil for growing seedlings and had a lot of spread. These plants are minimal maintenance, which requires little air.Namun, the most important thing is dark green leafy plant is not happy stung direct sun, shaded area is the ideal place. Pengisinya plants, among others, cactus hexagon, despite being able to live in the shade, this Henis cactus still need sunlight. Peletakannya was near an open area in order to get matahari.Point rays of interest of this park is a tall, slender cactus that. Around it can be presented Sansevieria, bromeliads, iris dam. Display small park on the corner of this was no less interesting with the surrounding park. (Dewi Kartini, Mega Rudyanto)
Beautiful garden at Corner House
- You still have open land that is less sunlight? Do not worry difficult to cultivate plants. You can still create a park, just pay attention to the choice of plants that sesuai.Untuk small area of the park, such as only 5 m2. The land is tucked in between the walls of buildings are quite high in your home. As a result, the sunlight is quite difficult to get into places like ini.Ya, although generally less fertile plants, but the park still look dazzling. The park is made with the semiarid tropical garden concept. Types of plants deliberately chosen to tumbh in the shade and chives mini dipuluh as a cover crop mini tanah.Kucai surface like grass to cover soil for growing seedlings and had a lot of spread. These plants are minimal maintenance, which requires little air.Namun, the most important thing is dark green leafy plant is not happy stung direct sun, shaded area is the ideal place. Pengisinya plants, among others, cactus hexagon, despite being able to live in the shade, this Henis cactus still need sunlight. Peletakannya was near an open area in order to get matahari.Point rays of interest of this park is a tall, slender cactus that. Around it can be presented Sansevieria, bromeliads, iris dam. Display small park on the corner of this was no less interesting with the surrounding park. (Dewi Kartini, Mega Rudyanto)